May 7, 2011

Future Hair

This was done a few months back. Just a random sketch. Not intended to be an official piece. It's just an idea of what I'd like my hair to be like when it's long enough to pull off.

Constructive criticism is welcome.

May 3, 2011

Kung Fu Mantis

Never dated this one, but I think it was done around 2005 when I was a kung fu teacher. I like how the drapes of the cheongsam flow and fall to the ground.

Remember to press that "Follow" button :) ---->

I welcome constructive criticism.

Martini Fairy

January 2006.

I'm very happy with the way this turned out. I paid more attention to the hair and shading of the martini glass than I did the girl. Proportions are off, but I've learned since then. I really like how the arms and feet turned out and hope I can recapture that style in future drawings.

Remember to press "Follow" :) ---->

I welcome constructive criticism.

Sexy Fairy

 I can't remember when I drew this. I never finished it, thus never dated it. It is, however, one of my most favorite drawings and I plan to make a new version and actually finish it this time. So remember to click that "Follow" button so you don't miss anything :)

I welcome any constructive criticism.